Message from the PresidentCompany Information
- Company Information
- Message from the President
Taking people and society to the next generation
Since its founding in 1888, the Kurabo Group has continued to create new value by taking on the challenge of always staying one step ahead. Today, our business covers an expanse of fields: some supporting people’s daily lives such as textiles, automobiles, housing, and food, and others supporting industry such as semiconductors, electronics, environmental plant engineering, biomedicals. Through these businesses, our mission is to provide inventive and truly valuable products, information, and services so that people can live richer and healthier lifestyles.
In conducting our business, we are keenly aware of the importance of answering the public’s call to pursue and uphold high standards in ESG—environmental, social, and governance. We know the importance of making society sustainable by helping solve society’s many challenges; these include tackling environmental problems, making people’s lives healthier, and providing comfort to an aging population.
With this in mind, we are rediscovering and leveraging the value of our founding spirit.
Kurabo’s foundation gave birth to the DNA that has been integral to our efforts to support the growth of our employees and forge ahead tirelessly and fearlessly to advance society. This DNA drives us as a manufacturer to evolve technology and make products with high added value. Ingrained in each and every employee, this DNA will continue to be passed on to successive generations at Kurabo.
From the very start, we have striven to be a pioneer in making contributions to society. Today, as a company whose management objective is to help achieve common international societal targets known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Kurabo will continue to help build a better society for all.
The driving force behind Kurabo is our desire to come up with amazing new value that contributes to society. Behind this driving force, the Kurabo Group will advance and integrate the core technologies it has built up in a wide range of business fields in order to give birth to innovations and new businesses, thus continuing its journey as a company that links people and society to future generations through growth and development.
Kurabo Industries Ltd.
Shinji Nishigaki, President