Human Rights Sustainability
Human Rights Policy
The Kurabo Group has established the Kurabo Group Human Rights Policy to respect the human rights of all stakeholders involved in the Group’s business.

Our Efforts
Officers and managers workshops
In order to establish a corporate culture that does not permit discrimination or harassment, we provide human rights awareness workshops for officers and managers.

Office workshops
In order to deepen employees’ understanding of respect for human rights and utilize this understanding in their business activities, all offices provide human rights awareness workshops.

Invitation to human rights slogan competitions and award giving
In order to promote human rights and increase human rights awareness, we invite entries to human rights slogan competitions from employees and give awards.

Publication of articles to promote human rights in the in-house publication “DOUSHIN”
We regularly publish articles on human rights topics to increase human rights awareness.

Harassment counselors workshops
We provide upskilling workshops for harassment counselors to ensure they are able to appropriately respond to consultation requests from employees.
Disseminating information to promote human rights
We update knowledge about human rights by disseminating information on recent law amendments, lawsuits, etc. related to human rights.